Tax Fraud Hits Physicians & Health Providers

More than 100 New Hampshire physicians and health care providers have been reportedly victimized by tax fraud. Social Security numbers were stolen and the perpetrators used them to file fraudulent tax returns and steal tax refunds.

“The Secret Service and Internal Revenue Service should immediately conduct a joint investigation into recent reports that more than one hundred physicians and health care providers in New Hampshire have become victims of tax fraud,” U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H. wrote in a letter recently to IRS commissioner John Koskinen. “These reports are deeply concerning and have impacted the ability of these medical providers to file their own tax returns. We must act swiftly to stop any fraudulent activity, bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure that physicians and providers have the information they need to protect themselves.”

According to the New Hampshire Medical Society more than 100 physicians, physician assistants, dentists and nurse practitioners in New Hampshire have reported that someone else filed a tax return using their Social Security numbers.

Shaheen believes that swift action will help prevent additional providers from being affected.

Although the report is specific to New Hampshire, many states are reporting this theft. If you are concerned that you may be a victim of identity theft, you are encouraged to check your credit report.

To read the entire article, please visit

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