SafeSend Returns

Through the use of SafeSend Returns, you can manage your tax process with Lewis, Hooper & Dick, LLC electronically. You will be able to:

  • Electronically view, sign, and print tax documents.
  • Review tax documents in SafeSend Return for up to three years.
  • Receive email reminders of payment due dates and access payment vouchers.
  • Share tax documents with professional and financial advisors using a secure link.

To Get Started

Using your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you can begin the process.

  1. You will receive an email from SafeSend Returns with a unique and secure access link when your documents are read for review. You may need to add to your safe sender email list.
  2. You will be prompted to complete a two‐step authentication process so that SafeSend Returns can securely identify you. For this you will need access to your email and the last 4 digits of your social security number.
  3. After your identity is confirmed, the SafeSend Returns system will take you step by step through the review and e‐sign process.
    1. Click here for a video that explains how Tax Payers can review their information. 
    2. Click here for a video that explains how Businesses can review their tax documents. 
  4. Once the documents have been reviewed, you will be able to download and save the file. If you are using a smartphone or tablet, keep in mind the types of files your device is able to open.

The team at Lewis, Hooper & Dick, LLC is available to guide you should you have any questions. Call any of our offices today.