Making Government a “Best Place to Work”
Do those “Best Place to Work” designations really make a difference? While they’re probably not going to be the deciding factor for any of your prospective employees, they can help build a reputation that draws talent to your organization. That’s what columnist Peter Hutchinson wants to see happening in government offices. In his new article, “How Government Can Be a ‘Best Place to Work’”, Hutchinson explains that the intense competition from private-sector businesses leaves government organizations unsure of how to attract the best talent. Here are his suggestions for making this happen:
Promoting from within – government organizations generally don’t focus enough on this, preferring to recruit from outside, says Hutchinson. Investing in their own employees and providing proper training saves both time and money, and shows that the organization is dedicated to its employees.
Career development – these organizations should invest more time into developing talent they currently have, which means defining career paths. This is especially important to Millennials. Once a career path is established, provide training so the employee can reach the goals outlined.
Flexibility – this is the next big thing in recruiting. Employees want jobs with flexibility, and work-life balance is important to them. Telecommuting and flex time are very appealing options to prospects. A new study indicates “one-third fewer people think that public-sector careers offer flexible work arrangements compared to the private sector,” writes Hutchinson. “Governments should look into more flexible approaches to help narrow this gap.”
To read more, see Hutchinson’s full article from Governing magazine.