The 2018 KMAAG is Now Available
The Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide (KMAAG), which contains guidelines to assist independent auditors in conducting audits in the state of Kansas, is revised annually by a Board of Editors, which is made up of members of the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (KSCPA) and the Division of Accounts and Reports (DAR).
The 2018 version of the KMAAG was recently released; changes include the following:
- The amendment to K.S.A. 75-1122 was fully incorporated, since it is now effective for all audits of years ending on or after December 31, 2017.
- The deposit and investment footnote example was revised to reflect the rating for the Kansas Municipal Investment Pool as N/A, since the Pool rating was discontinued.
- Illustration M-3 in Appendix M was revised to be consistent with the 2016 edition of the AICPA Audit Guide State and Local Governments
- Illustration M-4 in Appendix M was added for when the prior year audit was performed by a predecessor auditor.
- An alert was added to Appendix G regarding the audit requirements for Kansas Department of Health and Environment Loans.
- An alert was added to Appendix G regarding the tax lid for cities and counties.
- The defined benefit pension plan footnote example for schools was revised for changes related to state employer contributions.
To obtain an updated copy of the KMAAG, visit the KSCPA website. The document is available by download at the price of $90 plus applicable sales tax.